Wills and Power of Attorney
We can help you make a:
- Will
- Continuing Power of Attorney for Property
- Power of Attorney for Personal Care
A Will and Power of Attorney for Property or Personal Care are important documents, especially for end of life planning.
A Will is a legal document that lets you say who will get your property, money and belongings after you die and who has the legal authority, (i.e. your Executor or Estate Trustee) to deal with your estate.
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives someone the ability to make decisions about your money and property or your health if you are not mentally capable of making your own decisions. There are two kinds of Power of Attorney:
- A Continuing Power of Attorney for Property allows you to appoint a person, known as your attorney, to handle your finances and property and to specify when your attorney can act on your behalf.
- A Power of Attorney for Personal Care allows you to appoint a person, known as your attorney, to make decisions about your health care and medical treatment, diet, housing, clothing, hygiene or safety when you are no longer mentally capable of making such decisions.
For more information about Wills and Powers of Attorney visit:
The Steps to Justice website offers step-by-step information about wills, powers of attorney and other common legal problems.